As we prioritize everyone and everything else in our life, our health usually gets pushed to the back of the line . . . until it finally catches our attention--often with a scare or a reality check.
The "Embrace Wellness" package is an opportunity for you to clarify your vision of optimal health, and to build a system that actually works in your real life for integrating your wellness choices with your values so you can truly thrive in the midst of busyness.

Clarify your health goals.
Align your values.
Prioritize your wellness.
In these sessions, partner with a coach to
Pursue a health-focused goal in one of the categories below:
Mental & Emotional Wellbeing​
Physical Activity & Fitness
Nutrition & Lifestyle
Sleep & Rest
Fulfillment & Purpose
Physical Environment
Explore a typical day in your current reality​
Plan for obstacles
Create a sustainable system for achieving your optimal vision of health