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Quick Charge

Give yourself the space to process

the topic of your choice

(e.g. a health goal, a relationship dilemma,

an upcoming decision, a difficult conversation, etc.)

As we juggle the demands and expectations of our relationships, careers, and lives, we often sacrifice our health and ourselves for the sake of the people whom we're prioritizing.​


The "Quick Charge" package is an opportunity for you to step away from the craziness long enough to think through the most pressing issue that is on your mind, and to figure out a way forward that honors what is truly important to you.


Prioritize space to process.

Clarify your priorities.

Generate a plan.


In this session, partner with a coach to

  • Focus on the topic of your choice
    (possible examples include

    • A health goal

    • A relationship dilemma

    • An upcoming decision

    • A difficult conversation

    • Etc.)

  • Explore your vision and values for the topic you're considering

  • Assess where you currently are vs. where you want to be

  • Set a goal

  • Choose action steps

  • Explore obstacles

  • Identify alternate pathways

  • Design accountability and support

Individual Coaching

  • 1 individual Zoom session

    • 45 minutes

  • One-time payment of $150​

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